Water Born Disease symptoms, risk, factors and prevention, Know

Water born disease : water born disease caused by contaminated drinking water and human animal faeces or urine which contains many microorganisms. Water born diseases spread in mostly rainy season Water born disease cause more than 2 million deaths and 4 billion cases of diarrhea annually.
Types of water born diseases
- cholera
- diarrhea
- typhoid
- amebiasis
- hepatitis
- gastroenteritis
- giardiasis
- campylobacteriosis
- scabies
- and worm infections etc.
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Risk factors
- Lack of sanitation
- Unsafe drinking water
- Lack of awareness
- Unhealthy environment
- Lack of personal hygiene
- Due to inadequate wash
- Lack of handwashing
Symptoms of water born diseases
- Sever diarrhea,
- Dehydration
- Vomiting
- High Fever
- Abdominal pain
- Weakness
- Loss of Appetite
- Ear,eye and skin problems
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viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths (worms)
Prevention For Health
- Use clean water avoid contaminated water Use the clorin for water cleaning.
- Drink Boilled,treated or filtered water, Water sources Mainly tubewell borewell, handpum and tap water.
- In this things don’t have pure water in mooson season so before Use Boilled and filter the drinking water .
- Use mineral water
- use proper sanitation fir healthy life .
- avoid unhealthy environment clean our surroundings maintain healthy environment.
- Maintain personal hygiene, keep nit and tidy.
- Daily bathing, brushing and wear clean cloths.
- Avoid pre cut fruitsand vegetables
- Maintain hand hygiene, wash your hand soap and water or hand wash
- Use handwashing before and after eating food, After using toilet
- After Use any type of unhygienic things and otherwise also.
- Avoid water stagnation, Don’t eat street food in this season
- Cover any stored water and food, Avoid dampness
- Don’t stay wet long time
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