STORY OF HANUMANJI AND BALI: Do you know the story of the war between Hanumanji and Bali?

STORY OF HANUMANJI AND BALI:- The story begins when Bali received a boon from Lord Brahma that whoever came in front of him to fight him, half of his strength would go into Bali’s body and due to this, Bali would remain invincible in every battle.


Both Sugriva and Bali are the auras (boon-acquired) sons of Brahma and the blessings of Brahma ji always remain on Bali. Bali was very proud of his strength His pride increased further when he fought with Ravana, who had almost conquered all the three worlds, and tied Ravana to his tail and roamed the world for six months. There was no limit to Bali’s pride after defeating a warrior like Ravana in this manner.

Now he started considering himself the greatest warrior in the world and this was his biggest mistake. One day, intoxicated with his power, he was uprooting trees and plants like straw in a forest. It was destroying the lush green trees. It was turning the nectar-like water lakes into mud by mixing them with soil. In a way, under the influence of his power Bali wanted to destroy the entire forest and was repeatedly warning of war with himself.


There is someone who has the courage to fight with Bali someone who has drank his mother’s milk and who can fight with Bali and defeat Bali. By roaring like this, Bali was destroying that forest. Coincidentally, in the middle of the same forest, Hanuman ji was sitting in penance chanting the name of Ram. Due to this action of Lee, Hanuman ji got hampered in chanting the name of Ram and Hanuman ji went in front of Bali and

Hanumanji said – O brave of warriors, O Brahma Ansh, O Prince Bali.

(At that time Bali was the prince of Kishkindha) Why are you sacrificing your strength to this peaceful forest and uprooting the green trees, You are crushing the trees laden with fruits, destroying the nectar like lakes by mixing them with contaminated dirty soil, what will you get from this? As a boon of your divine father Brahma, no one can defeat you in battle because half of the power of whoever comes to fight with you will be absorbed in you.

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Therefore, oh monkey prince, calm down the pride of your power and by chanting the name of Ram, you will not have any sense of your power in your mind And by chanting the name of Ram, both this world and the next world will be improved.

Bali said to Hamunaji

O lowly monkey, you are teaching us, Prince Bali, who has defeated all the warriors of the world and whose roar can break even the biggest mountain into pieces. Go, you insignificant monkey, go and worship your Ram and who is the Ram about whom you are talking and only you know? Regarding Ram, I have never heard this name from anyone’s mouth till date and you are teaching me to chant the name of Ram.


Lord Shri Ram is the Lord of all the three worlds, his glory is limitless, he is the ocean whose even a single drop can cross the ocean of existence.

Bali Said – Ram is so great so call me, let me also see how much strength is there in his arms.

Bali’s harsh words against Lord Rama were enough to enrage Hanuman.

Hanumaji said – O Bali, intoxicated with power, will you defeat Lord Ram in the war? First show yourself by defeating this insignificant servant of his in the war.

Bali Said– Then okay, tomorrow there will be a fight between you and me in the middle of the city.


Hanuman ji accepted Bali’s words

Bali went to the city and announced that tomorrow there would be a war between Hanuman and Bali in the city. The next day at the appointed time when Hanuman ji was about to leave his house to fight with Bali.

Brahma ji appeared in front of Hanuman ji.

Hanuman ji bowed to Brahma ji and said – O Father of the World, the reason for your visiting the house of a monkey like me today must be something special. Brahma ji said – O Anjanisut, O Shivansh, O son of Pawan, O devotee of Ram Hanuman, forgive my son Bali for his impudence, and do not go to war.

Hanuman ji said- Oh Lord | STORY OF HANUMANJI AND BALI

If Bali had said this about me, I would have forgiven him, but he has said this about my beloved Shri Ram, which I cannot tolerate and has challenged me to a fight. Which I will have to accept otherwise it will be said throughout the world that Hanuman is a coward who does not go to fight when challenged because a strong warrior is challenging him.

After thinking, Brahma ji said- Okay Hanuman ji.

But you should not take all your strength with you, only take one tenth of it. Place the remaining strength at the feet of your deity through yoga and receive them again after coming back from the war. Hanuman ji did the same while respecting Brahma ji and came out of the house to fight with Bali. On the other hand, Bali had converted a place in the middle of the city into an arena and was eager to fight with Hanuman ji and was challenging Hanuman ji again and again.

The whole town gathered to watch the battle

As soon as Hanuman ji reached the battlefield, Bali challenged Hanuman to come to the arena. Hearing the challenge, as soon as Hanuman ji placed one foot in the arena, half of his strength went to Bali. As soon as half of Hanuman ji’s power was absorbed in Bali, changes started taking place in Bali’s body, a flood of strength came in his body, Bali’s body started swelling under the influence of the force, his body burst and blood started coming out.

Bali was not able to understand anything | STORY OF HANUMANJI AND BALI

Then Brahma ji appeared near Bali and said to Bali – Son, go away from here as soon as possible. Bali was not able to understand anything at this time, he just listened to Brahma ji’s words and started galloping. After running more than a hundred miles, Bali fell down tired. After some time, when he regained consciousness, he saw Brahma ji in front of him and asked – What is all this?

Please Explain this leela

Before fighting with Hanuman, my body swelled to the point of bursting and then you suddenly come there and tell me to go as far away from there as possible. I do not understand anything.

Brahma ji said – Son, when Hanuman ji came in front of you, half of his strength was absorbed in you, then how did you feel?

Bali – I felt as if ocean waves of power were taking over my body. I felt as if no one in this entire world could withstand my might, but at the same time it felt as if my body was about to explode.

Brahma who said- O Bali

I asked Hanuman ji to fight with you with only one tenth of his strength but you could not handle even half of his strength.

Imagine, if Hanuman ji had come to fight you with all his strength, then with half his strength you would have been torn to pieces the moment he came out of the house to fight you.

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Hearing this, Bali started sweating profusely and after thinking for some time said – Lord, if Hanuman ji has so many powers then where will he use them. Brahma– Hanuman ji will never be able to use his full strength because even this entire creation cannot bear one tenth of his strength.

Hearing this, Bali bowed down to the same Hanuman ji and said that Hanuman ji, who despite having immense strength, remains calm and sings Ram Bhajan and I am the one who is not even a hair’s worth of him and was challenging him.

Forgive me

And filled with remorse, Bali did penance for Lord Ram and later on, he obtained the path of salvation from him (STORY OF HANUMANJI AND BALI) .

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